Thursday, May 27, 2010

Year 2009-2010

This year was by far the best year in high school. I learned so much and seen myself grow and get older. I seen myself get muture. I loved this year i had had really awsome teachers and great friends, I wanna say thank you to all my teachers for putting up with me and my crazy friends ") I met my bestfriend this year his name is Richard, his the best they get, his funny and smart but some times he can be an ass lol but I love him, cause on a bad day he seems to always find a way to cheer me up! He has always been there for me no matter what threw it all and i thank him for everything. I love his family too even though thier crazy sometimes I could keep up with them and thier the coolest people thier so real. I love how they can be them selfs! They made my year great to.
Mr.Leh was the best teacher to. Im glad they brought him to our school ") He taught us all alot in life to

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

If I Could Be Someone For One Day...


I think if I could be someone for a day it really would have to be my mom, the reason why is because my mom is a very strong person and no matter what life throws her way she will fight through it all to see a brighter day and she does. She is one of the fewest real and upfront people in this world, but also she has a heart, the thing I admire the most about her is that she thinks about everyone first then herself and she doesn’t complain. She is the most beautiful women in my life and every day I thank God for giving her to me. She always been there for me no matter what weather times are good or bad she stuck by my side! Threw my schooling personal issues, when my dad left us she played mom and dad I think that’s one of the reasons as to why she is so strong really hard on. Then when my dad died she should by our side even though she was hurting inside. I give thanks to her for making me the person I am today and will be in the future “)
I love my mom will all my heart and I know sometime she feels like I don’t appreciate her I do, she is my life my every reason of living. Honestly if I were to lose her I don’t think I would be able to live.
   Mom : I love you and you mean the world to me, I thank God every time I wake up and your still here”) I love you and I always will, you mean the world to me, I thank you for being there for me when I had my problems and when I was rebelious1 lol I love you!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Anything blog

This year was one of the best year but saddest year of high school. I met a lot of new people and ones that I never thought I would be able to get along with before. I had all the best teachers this year they’re great, very encouraging, and helpful. I really learned a lot throughout this school year. I’m glad I came to this school. I think I really matured a lot from when I came. Growing is a big part of life but I suggest to the younger generation don’t be in a rush to grow up because, it comes with a lot of responsibilities. You’ll wish you were young again. When you do get into high school don’t think it’s a game it really isn’t. So take everything serious.

2009-2010 was the greatest school year ever. I learned how to blog in the matter of two days and now I love it. I think that I have change so much since freshmen and sophomore year. Have two more years and I’ll be done with high school the off to college for me! ")

!!!!!!Go Class Of 2012!!!!!!
Good luck to all you under classmen and to all the next generation! You’re the future, make it the best!

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