Thursday, April 1, 2010

Literacy Site

Hunger was the topic I picked, and the reason for that is because is something that really makes me sad. Just to think about how many people right now in Hati are left with nothing. In this site i found information about the people in Haiti, it talks about Haiti being the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. Eighty percent of the population lives under the poverty line, vulnerable to the country's all too frequent natural and socio-economic disasters. "But Haiti is a place of hope as well as tragedy" they said and it's very true because Haiti was the first black republic to declare independence, They fought to dig survivors out from the rubble with their bare hands. They treated wounds with what little they had.

What really gets me happy is t hat this site they saide are proud to help Hati you can make donations in this site also and everybody can help little by little you will be making the change!

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