Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Time When I Had To Be Brave!

A time that I had to be really brave is when my dad has died, I was 12 years old. I felt like I couldn’t cry the reason being is because I need to be strong for my mom and for my baby brother I had to be the big sister. Because my older brothers were very angered they wanted to start acting very crazy. I did really good I knew I had to keep my cool and at his viewing it was so hard to see my dad’s body in a box knowing life wasn’t in him no more. I tried to be I denial and it just was too hard when you have reality in front your face. I think that was the hardest part of my situation. I couldn’t understand that he was gone for good. I was hoping to wake up in the morning and hear him calling my name, I thought he was going to be there when I graduated 8th grade and I thought he would be here when I graduate high school. when I turned 18 and going to college, I thought he was going to be here when time was ready to walk down the isle to my new life , and be there when I had kids when I did it all. I was a daddy’s girl, he was my everything my whole life and I never thought something like that could happen to me. I never thought I could lose my dad, even though my dad wasn’t always there for me and my family. Sometime i sit and wonder what my life could be like if his was still here. Still pushing me to work hard in school keep me from getting into gangs keep me from drug and all the bad things, but now my papas gone. I still have to be brave when I face the world on my own , when I got to try to stay away from the gang I got myself into, I got to be brave when I see drugs around, most of all I got to brave when I need him the most when I need someone to talk someone to cry to tell him all my problems. To this day I could still hear his voice, picture his face. I miss him so much. I still feel like a part of me is gone.

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