Friday, December 10, 2010

assignment 16: my journey

As I wake up in the morning, I walk to the kitchen on the cold wood floor. I brew some coffee and walk back to my room and pick out my clothes for the day, I lay them on my bed and walk into my bathroom and turn on the hot water I could smell the coffee and I could hear the birds singing by my bathroom window I jump in the shower. Then after my long exiting shower. I jump out and get dressed I grab me a cup of coffee and go outside and admire the beautiful scene. It smells like fresh air my thoughts are new I start to draw the view of what’s in front of my cabin. I start to really appreciate life and it’s beauty. Life has became rough but I know when I come to my happy cabin I seem to release all my stress. As i sip my coffee. My boyfriend wakes up and comes and sits outside with me. we love this cabin it's our place we can get away from the world and the stress of work. Everytime we come back here we fall a little more in love each time. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Assignment 13: Halloween Haiku

To believe or not to believe,

I’ll leave the choice up to you, so you decide.

We hide and sleep in the day light,

but as soon as night draws near we will appear.

We're Creeping in the shadows

Can you really detect whose in the medows

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Crazy In Love The Book

The Book I choose to read is called Crazy In Love by Dandi Daley Mackall. Its About this girl name MaryJane, She has two diffrent personalities. One is PlaineJane she has more of a unconfiedent  personana she always puting herself down to believe she can never be pretty or ever get a boyfriend or ever be good at something., Then there is MJ shes more the risky type who is a little too cofident but doesn't care what anyone think of her, and when she wants something she wants it right then and there, not really caring who she hurt in her her way of doing her deed

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Show && Tell:]

This is my Show && Tell:
    I would like to share something that means so much to me is my purple butterfly neck less because, two years before my dad died I seen him once and he gave me this neck less. I always have loved butterflies ever since I was little, when I was two years old I was playing in the sand and I had ate a caterpillar. And my dad told me that I was going to turn into a butterfly when I grew up. Its super funny cause when he would go to work when he did or when he would leave he would tell me “Butterfly Kisses mija"

I would always wear my neck less everywhere I went I had it on then on November 5 2004 my day had passed away. I had played this song at his funeral. because, this was our song but I wish allot of what he talks about in this song could of happened :) but I will always have him in my heart and I know when I conqueror what I want he'll be watching me praying for the best

Friday, September 17, 2010

City of crime
Got to pray every day while we're taking risks with our lives.

Making money is a must, we learn not to trust, holding my city in my hand,
but got the world in my pocket!
  Thugs Causing Khaos' taking over

Im from the dark side, and you know we're world wide cause,
 we're killing like a villian,
jocking our tips because we're Top Notch Pimps

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Year 2009-2010

This year was by far the best year in high school. I learned so much and seen myself grow and get older. I seen myself get muture. I loved this year i had had really awsome teachers and great friends, I wanna say thank you to all my teachers for putting up with me and my crazy friends ") I met my bestfriend this year his name is Richard, his the best they get, his funny and smart but some times he can be an ass lol but I love him, cause on a bad day he seems to always find a way to cheer me up! He has always been there for me no matter what threw it all and i thank him for everything. I love his family too even though thier crazy sometimes I could keep up with them and thier the coolest people thier so real. I love how they can be them selfs! They made my year great to.
Mr.Leh was the best teacher to. Im glad they brought him to our school ") He taught us all alot in life to

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

If I Could Be Someone For One Day...


I think if I could be someone for a day it really would have to be my mom, the reason why is because my mom is a very strong person and no matter what life throws her way she will fight through it all to see a brighter day and she does. She is one of the fewest real and upfront people in this world, but also she has a heart, the thing I admire the most about her is that she thinks about everyone first then herself and she doesn’t complain. She is the most beautiful women in my life and every day I thank God for giving her to me. She always been there for me no matter what weather times are good or bad she stuck by my side! Threw my schooling personal issues, when my dad left us she played mom and dad I think that’s one of the reasons as to why she is so strong really hard on. Then when my dad died she should by our side even though she was hurting inside. I give thanks to her for making me the person I am today and will be in the future “)
I love my mom will all my heart and I know sometime she feels like I don’t appreciate her I do, she is my life my every reason of living. Honestly if I were to lose her I don’t think I would be able to live.
   Mom : I love you and you mean the world to me, I thank God every time I wake up and your still here”) I love you and I always will, you mean the world to me, I thank you for being there for me when I had my problems and when I was rebelious1 lol I love you!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Anything blog

This year was one of the best year but saddest year of high school. I met a lot of new people and ones that I never thought I would be able to get along with before. I had all the best teachers this year they’re great, very encouraging, and helpful. I really learned a lot throughout this school year. I’m glad I came to this school. I think I really matured a lot from when I came. Growing is a big part of life but I suggest to the younger generation don’t be in a rush to grow up because, it comes with a lot of responsibilities. You’ll wish you were young again. When you do get into high school don’t think it’s a game it really isn’t. So take everything serious.

2009-2010 was the greatest school year ever. I learned how to blog in the matter of two days and now I love it. I think that I have change so much since freshmen and sophomore year. Have two more years and I’ll be done with high school the off to college for me! ")

!!!!!!Go Class Of 2012!!!!!!
Good luck to all you under classmen and to all the next generation! You’re the future, make it the best!

Video Blogg")

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I met this guy name Damian a couple years ago he was 18 years old, We talk for a long time, while he had this girl pregnant and they were together so I knew not to expect anything but a friendship and I didn’t. He was pretty cool so we just started hanging out and talking a lot more, well he found out things between him and his girlfriend weren’t going to work out but I told him he need to think about that because they are going to be having a baby together, but he said it just wasn't going to work out but he was always going to be there for his son. Well it was maybe about 2 months after that we were still talking and he had told me that he really lived in a half way house, I really didn’t understand what that really was. Then he explains that He was in jail for attemended murder, I ask him if he really did it but he said no so I believed him. When started going out in July on 7 of 2007. We hung out and went places I was really fun, I fell in love with him. I thought he was the one! I thought we would be together forever. Well I thought wrong, after a year of greatness he came over one day and we had got into a huge fight over money because he got paid and he wanted to go party and do stupid things with it but he didn’t want to pay child support for that week. So he told me that he was going to go out and he babies mom was calling my phone saying he never showed up and that he better pay her or she was going to report him so I gave her money just because I was in love with him and I would do anything for him well that same night he called me when he got home and I went over there to talk to him and he had hickies on his neck... I didn’t know what to think or how to feel I didn’t know what to say. But I thought I loved him so I took him back. That’s when the heart aches really begain. He would go weeks without calling me. Then when he did he would act like nothing ever happened, like everything was all ok and it wasn’t. I finally had enough after a month, and I broke up with him. He ended up telling me he cheated on me with my own cousin. I was so hurt I never thought she would do something like that to me I mean I never did it to her so there really wasn't a reason as to why they would hurt me like that but they did. So now both of them are out of my life and I moved on I use that every day as a stepping stone to do better for me and my life.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Time When I Had To Be Brave!

A time that I had to be really brave is when my dad has died, I was 12 years old. I felt like I couldn’t cry the reason being is because I need to be strong for my mom and for my baby brother I had to be the big sister. Because my older brothers were very angered they wanted to start acting very crazy. I did really good I knew I had to keep my cool and at his viewing it was so hard to see my dad’s body in a box knowing life wasn’t in him no more. I tried to be I denial and it just was too hard when you have reality in front your face. I think that was the hardest part of my situation. I couldn’t understand that he was gone for good. I was hoping to wake up in the morning and hear him calling my name, I thought he was going to be there when I graduated 8th grade and I thought he would be here when I graduate high school. when I turned 18 and going to college, I thought he was going to be here when time was ready to walk down the isle to my new life , and be there when I had kids when I did it all. I was a daddy’s girl, he was my everything my whole life and I never thought something like that could happen to me. I never thought I could lose my dad, even though my dad wasn’t always there for me and my family. Sometime i sit and wonder what my life could be like if his was still here. Still pushing me to work hard in school keep me from getting into gangs keep me from drug and all the bad things, but now my papas gone. I still have to be brave when I face the world on my own , when I got to try to stay away from the gang I got myself into, I got to be brave when I see drugs around, most of all I got to brave when I need him the most when I need someone to talk someone to cry to tell him all my problems. To this day I could still hear his voice, picture his face. I miss him so much. I still feel like a part of me is gone.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Statue Of Liberty

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddle masses yarning to breath free.
The wretched refuse of your teaming shore, send these the homeless,
tempest-tost, to me.
i lift my lamp beside the golden door."
- Emma Lazurus

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Starfish Blog

This story's moral is one of the few ones that i really understand. I'm sure the wise man learned from the young man. As he was throwing the starfish to the ocean the young man was probably thinking about life, life that everybody deserves and can get a hand. The moral of this story to me is that it does not matter where you make the change, how or who else will do the same. You're not always going to change everything, but you can start by changing what you can.
This really reminds me of this class, my English class when we met our new English teacher. Mr.Leh, he's first day here thought us a quote "Become the change you want to see in the world" and if you can start by little why not do it. The young man started by putting the starfish back in the water, and it realates to us because we can start by doing everything we can now for our future. Also by thinking who you can help, there's friends that I have right now that are like those starfish out of the ocean, and I might not be able to change them all but you can start by helping little by little. But there's people that won't even try to make the change, because they don't know that by that little change you can do a alot.
The wise man didn't know that by picking up that starfish and throwing it back in the ocean the young man was actually saving a life. It don't matter how little of a change can be, it's still a change and a little change can change your whole life. I bet the young man felt good about himself, not only bacouse he changed the starfish's life but also thought the wise man a lesson. Because the young man didn't wait for the other people around the ocean to put the starfish back in the ocean because why wait if you can make the change yourself and now. For example in education there's people that don't even do their work because their friends decide to just seat there and do nothing, but why wait for them to start doing their work if you can cange that yourself, because after all is your future and your life that is havind the effect.
And the moral of this story has a lot to do with the life we live right now, the earthquake in Hati and Chile is another example. We see other people raising money, collecting cans of food, helping them in one way or another because they decided to make the change and not wait for someone else to sart doing it and I bet they saved many people's life in many different ways. And this things are different and have to do with different things but they all come to the same moral. And is the moral of this story: No matter how little of a change it is, it is still a change and it does not matter where you make the change, how, or who else will do the same. You're not always going to change everything.
"How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone ("Coco" Chanel, Gabrielle)."
"Don't live down to expectations. Go out there and do something remarkable (Wasserstein, Wendy)."
"If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price (Author Unknown)."
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort (Albright, Herm)."
"Dare to be true: nothing can need a lie: A fault, which needs it most, grows two thereby (Herbert, George)."
"A hundred hearts would be too few,to carry all my love for you (Author Unknown)."
"A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they're not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they're not so bad (Glasgow, Arnold H.)
"There's one sad truth in life I've found while journeying east and west -The only folks we really wound Are those we love the best.We flatter those we scarcely know, We please the fleeting guest, And deal full many a thoughtless blow to those who love us best (Wheeler Wilcox, Ella)."

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world (Frank, Anne)."
"To find someone who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness (Brault, Robert).

The Time Mechine

If i had a time machine I would go back in time and save my friend. I would tell him I’m sorry for every time we fought and tell him that I love him! He meant so much to me!! I miss how he use to make me laugh and would always be there to put a smile on my face in a bad day. I would go back in time and tell him how i really feel and how much he changed my life. He taught me so much. I would go back in time and ask him to forgive me for the fight we just had before he left us.

Dear Cameron,

I miss you so much, I’m sorry for our fight and the things we said to each other. i know we had our differences but we always had great times together you me Jason and Sammy.

You taught me what true homies are and never to trust no one but yourself. Spanky if I could go back in time i would make everything okay you will still making us laugh. I wish we ( Cassandra , Christina, Sandy , Viri , Esme , Ana , Me and the homies had more time with you then i know everything would be perfect in my life. I use to say Cameron I got your back till the end and beyond it but I didn’t think it was going to be without you. But I’m keeping my promise I got your back and we will take care of your family. I miss you and love you so much spanky! I wish I could back in to time and tell you goodbye and tell you to forgive baby cause because you left me with a broken heart and we never got that chance to make up, i lost you in a fight and i still cant be leave it. spanky you forgive me? You’re my angel now and Im use the things you taught me to survive this crazy world! You’ll always be in my heart mind and on my back!!

I Love You So Much,



Ps I'll always remember the time you gave me the name


In Lovin Memory Of
Cameron Montoya
July 1 1992 -
November 23 2009


Thursday, April 1, 2010


           This is me, AMARIS i'm 17 years old, I was born and raise in Albuquerque, New Mexico, But most of my family is from Spain and Puerto Rico. I am very proud of my Heritage ")
  Well i do not know to much about my lastname or my family history. The reson being is because my Father Gerald was adopted by his mothers husband she got preganat from someone else when her husband was in the army. she moved from Colorado to come to New Mexico  with her husband and my dad.
    And on my mother's side her father
was never in her life he left when my grandmother was two months pragnant, and was never seen since, but when my mom was 22 years old when she was pregnant with me") my great grandmother told her that her father had just recently passed away. I think my mom was a little upset because she wanted to meet him and introduce us to himso we can have some kind of relationship with him and his family to. but I think its really sad he died "( I think it would have been really nice to meet him.

On November 5th 2004, I lost my dad  walking pneumonia for a Herion addiction. I was 12 years old it did not make much sence to me that i could just loose someone so close to me. H e was a really loving person. before he got hooked back on drugs he use to be one of the top chiefs in New Mexico. He use to be the best cook i remember all the good meals.
I miss you papa and i love you so much!!

I wonder when  get old if someone thats related to me will look for me and wonder about his or her great great grandmother?
Well if you are i hope you take pride in were you come from and your race, i hope and wish you the best to find out more bout your self and the people in your family.

love your family and express the way you feel never have regrets because, you dont know when you loose them.

I love you!!

Literacy Site

Hunger was the topic I picked, and the reason for that is because is something that really makes me sad. Just to think about how many people right now in Hati are left with nothing. In this site i found information about the people in Haiti, it talks about Haiti being the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. Eighty percent of the population lives under the poverty line, vulnerable to the country's all too frequent natural and socio-economic disasters. "But Haiti is a place of hope as well as tragedy" they said and it's very true because Haiti was the first black republic to declare independence, They fought to dig survivors out from the rubble with their bare hands. They treated wounds with what little they had.

What really gets me happy is t hat this site they saide are proud to help Hati you can make donations in this site also and everybody can help little by little you will be making the change!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I liked the movie The Great Debaters it was a really inspiering moving, but there were some parts of that movie that really made me change my point of view on thing. I really like that all the actors got into charicter very well. I think alot of people were touch. Well gettin back to the point of the movie i was taught that there is power on debating weather you agree or disagree, You have to stand strong on what you belive and what you thnk is the truth. Not letting anyone change you and control you mind and what you think or belive that is true.

I think everyone has a stomy life but when you find your way threw it youll alaways have beauty on the other side so i say no matter how bad thing get keep your head up because youll be truthy blessed and be greatfull. even though times may be hard you cant focus on man keep your eyes on God and he will pull you out the storm.
I found this picture on photobucket=)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Personal Haiku

Love never fails, Love is true, Love is kind, Loves the reason the world survives 

My Sunset Haiku

Sunset to my future, Sunset to my life, Sunset oh so beautiful.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Light in the Darkness

A ladder to your life,

A ladder to your education,

A ladder to oppurtunity for a better life,

A ladder to bring you up from the ground and take you to a higher place in life